Gender-Based Environmental Management Model to Support Sustainable Development

Key words: environmental management, gender equity.

Ismi Dwi Astuti, Trisni Utami, Sentot Sudarwanto
LPPM UNS, DP2M, Penelitian, Hibah Bersaing, 2009

This research underlines the strategies to manage te environment based on gender equity perspectives and is qualitative in nature. Data were collected using several techniques including site observation, interviews, focus group discussion, and documment study. The techniques of analysis employed in this research include interactive analysis, GAP (gender analysis pathway), and HARVARD model of gender analysis. The results of this research were a model and a module consisting of environmental management based on gender equity perspectives. The model is called GEBEM (Gender Equity Based Environmental Management) Model, while the module is called “Guidance to Manage Pollution Caused by Batik Production in Laweyan Surakarta Based on Gender Equality”. This module is intended specifically to be a strategic guidance for managing the environment of the Laweyan area by enhancing equal opportunities for both men and women to participate in and control the environmental management of the area.