ANNOUNCEMENT: Repair and Extension Upload Progress Report Document of UNS 2018 PNBP Fund and Its Completeness

The Institute of Research and Community Service of Sebelas Maret University has completed administrative verification of all progress report documents for the Research and Service of UNS TA PNBP funds. 2018 along with its completeness. Administrative verification is carried out to find out the validity (truth) of documents uploaded by researchers / grantees in Sebelas Maret University. As for the results of the administrative verification, there are still many documents with improved status.

In connection with this matter, Sebelas Maret University LPPM provides the opportunity to return to the chief executive to immediately repair / upload all the progress report documents and their completeness through the IRIS1103 system from October 1 to 11, 2018.

more information can be seen on