“Strengthening UNS Autonomy towards World Class University based on National Culture” is the main theme of the Exhibition and Performance to celebrate The 41th anniversary of Sebelas Maret University. UNS is the 4th largest university in Indonesia and move onwards to be a world class university by the year of 2020. To conduct a qualified educational program, UNS is supported by more than 1,800 lecturers; 10% of them are professors, and 72.9% of them hold either doctoral or master degrees. UNS is supported by more than 900 administrative staff. Up to now, UNS has ten faculties and one graduate program. UNS offers 151 courses ranging from diploma, undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, specialist doctor education programs, to the doctoral program. Each of them is supported by certified laboratories, language laboratories with Self Access Center facilities, and computer-managed and information-technology-based libraries such as teleconferences and web-based learning. The full figure of students has reached 32,691 people. The entire number of UNS alumni has so far made more than 95,000 graduates.

Aside from increasing the education quality as the implementation of the second and third Dharma of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (the three primary uses of higher education) UNS also aims to improve research product and serving for the companionship and society. The attempt has demonstrated beneficial results; UNS has won many competitive research proposals. It also won research funds/community services of the funding partnership and cooperation with many reputable institutions. The efforts to improve the quality of research and community services have been being performed by the Institute of Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat/LPPM). Along with the speedy growth of science and engineering, all activities related to Education, Research and Community Services at UNS will be executed at the exhibition and public presentation to increase the provision and motivate the public to consider the advantages provided by the university. The works of scientific research and community services that can be utilized in resolving the problems of the community. With the publishing of the results of research and community services expected later to extend cooperation with outside parties in need. For that this program needs to be confirmed by all stakeholders and carried on in the following years.

Here’s the proposal  of the event: file