PENGUMUMAN : The Second Bogor International Conference for Soscial Science and The Second Bogor International Conferences for Applied Science 2018

Universitas Djuanda Bogor akan menyelenggarakan The Second Bogor International Conference for Sossial Science (The 2nd BICSS 2018) Organizing Committee dengan tema “Capacity Empowerment Based On Local Resources For Human Well Being : Uniqueness, Selling Point, Value Creation, dan The Second Bogor International Conferences for Applied Science (The 2nd BICAS) 2018 dengan tema “Capacity Empowerment of Local Resources Based on Halal Certification for Global Market”, yang akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari, Tanggal ; Selasa-Rabu, 25-26 September 2018

Tempat : Hotel Onih. Jl. Paledang No. 50 – 52, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16122

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