Upload and Hardcopy Submission of Research and Community Service Progress Report (P2M) UNS 2019 PNBP Fund

Notified with respect, according to contract Research No. 516 / UN27.21 / PP / 2019 and No. Service contract. 517 / UN27.21 / PM / 2019 between the Research Institute and Community Service (LPPM) of Sebelas Maret University and the chair of the P2M PNBP UNS 2019 activities article 2 paragraph (2b), that the chief executive MUST upload the document; (1) Progress Report; (2) Logbook; (3) Performance Forms and Proof of Output; (4) 70% Financial Use Report; (5) Statement of expenditure responsibility (SPTB); (6) BAST 70% Progress and Financial Reports through the iris1103.uns.ac.id system.

In connection with this, we submit and inform the following matters:

  1. Requests for ratification by carrying two (2) pieces of ratification printed from iris system1103, accompanied by a 70% progress / financial report from August 6 to September 6, 2019.
  2. Hardcopy of Progress Reports and their completeness, submitted to LPPM no later than September 10, 2019 during business hours, with the following flow:
    • Progress Reports, Logbooks and BAST Progress Reports are submitted to the Program Sub-section, each with 2 copies.
    • Forms and Proof of Achievement Outcomes are submitted to the Data and Information Subdivision, each in 1 piece.
    • 70% financial report; Statement of Expenditure Responsibility (SPTB); and BAST 70% Financial Statements submitted to the General Subdivision, each with 1 copy.

3. Format acceptance of the Progress Report; 70% finance; and Statement of Shopping Responsibility (SPTB), attached.

4. All chief executives MUST upload the Progress Report documents and their completeness through the iris1103.uns.ac.id system no later than 11 September 2019.

5. All report documents uploaded through the IRIS1103 system will be verified by LPPM. The verification parameters are attached.

6. LPPM is not responsible for the findings of BPK / Irjen / BPKP / SPI, delays and / or non-payment of funds as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (2b; 2c; 2d) caused by the negligence of the chief executive in uploading documents through the iris1103 system and other administrative requirements which is not in accordance with the provisions.

7. We are informing the P2M monev activities of the UNS PNBP 2019 Fund will be carried out in mid-September 2019 (schedule will follow).


1. Berita Acara Serah Terima Laporan Keuangan 70 % Dana PNBP 2019 revisi

2. Berita Acara Serah Terima (BAST) Laporan Kemajuan revisi

3. Formulir Capaian Luaran

4. Parameter Verifikasi Administrasi Dokumen Laporan P2M PNBP UNS_2019

5. Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Belanja 100%