Sinergi Dalam Pemanfatan Potensi Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kecamatan Ngrambe Kabupaten Ngawi

Key words : sibermas, FGD, programme
Choirul Anam *)

LPPM UNS, Pengabdian, DP2M, Sibermas, 2009

SIBERMAS program was implementation in three village, that are Sambirejo, Sidomulyo and Manisharjo village, sub district of Ngrambe, Ngawi regency. In the implementation, besides entangling instructor staff pass by quickly science discipline according to needed membership, this activity also entangle technical team and student on duty / field. Specificly activity of SIBERMAS aims are to 1) Improve income of Society Sambirejo, Sidomulyo and Manisharjo village 2) Improve PAD Ngawi regency 3) Improve knowledge, ability and skilled of society 4) Improve involvement of student in enableness of society and develop enterpreneurship 5) Improve and change positive behavior and attitude from society in the effort of self-supporting society.
This SIBERMAS program implementation is started with exploratory research, and then conducted by Focus Group Discussion ( FGD), in internal and external target society. SIBERMAS Program in second year is aimed at activity: first, area potency data collecting, second compiling regional profile of target area. Third compile priority for the year of II and III with local government Ngawi regency which is in this case coordinated by Bappeda Ngawi regency and local society. Fourth implementation priority program in years II.