Pelestarian Bangunan Dan Kawasan Bersejarah Sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Wisata Budaya Melalui Peningkatan Peran Serta Masyarakat Studi Kasus Kawasan Kauman Surakarta

Keyword: traditional building character, physical and non physical

Setyaningsih, Wiwik*)
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M, Hibah Kompetitif Penelitian Sesuai Prioritas Nasional, 2009

The old building of historyc of Kauman area included ulama house, which is very dominant in Kauman Surakarta with the high history of Surakarta Palace. The ulama house is a characteristic, which is different to other houses. The aim of this research is to find the technical of concervation the old building of historyc area in Kauman. Ulama house, which was built in 1800-1900 M and has double functions. There is a building to live in, langgar to pray. Ulama houses visual character shows a Javanese traditional building with the background of Islam tacking point and Javanese Palace cultures. The technical of concervation have some variable(physical and non physical)