Keywords : hedgerow, conservation farming system
Widijanto, Hery; Utomo, Sudjono*)
LPPM UNS, Pengabdian, DP2M, Penerapan Ipteks, 2009
The agriculture develompent on the critism and marginal dry-land usually affected by physico-chemical and socio-economic problem. The problems of physico-chemical were thin of soil solum, low of nutrient concentration, low of soil organic matter, high of erotion rate, and low of soil microbiologi-fertility. Then the socio -economic problems included of low responsibility and knowledge of farmer on sustainable conservation farming system, and low of tecnology adoption by farmer. The vegetative conservation tecnology usually’s called “hedgerow”. Hedgerows is an old English term that refers to narrow planting strips that grow along field borders, fencelines and waterways. In this human serve programme we used “akar wangi” and “jarak pagar” . We hope these plants have multiple benefits. They develop into shaded areas for cooling water temperature, offer wildlife habitat, encourage beneficial insects, reduce soil erosion, provide bank stabilization, and uptake nutrients and pollutants. They are shelterbelts, windbreaks, and screen for privacy . Development of hedgerow with “akar wangi” and ‘jarak pagar” in conservation farming system may be can be adopted by farmer. Cause in this system, these plants will stabilized and develop to sustainable agriculture. By this technology, farmer will be done the environmental agriculture in critism and marginal dry-land.