(A case study : the tobacco peasant families on the Slope of Merapi-Merbabu Muntain, Boyolali District)

Keyword: Asset, poverty, peasant, sustainable livelihood

By: Widiyanto, SP, MSi; Dr. Ir. Suwarto, MS; Ir. Retno Setyowati, MS

The objectives of this research are to understanding poverty from the poorer life, so all of programs to eradicate poverty would consider all of aspects peasant situation, social, culture, economy, and ecology (holistic view). The background of this research are the failure poverty eradication programs because of uncomprehensive method. This research found there are many vurnerability context which faced by peasant, namey:fluctuation price of tobacco, impact of climate change, and limited land (small land), and ecological degradation. In this case, there are five different types of capitals are the tobacco peasant families as disposal, namely: natural capital, phsycal capital, financial capital, human capital, dan social capital. The Study found that the There are many different type of mechanism to respond the vurnerability context, namely: acumulation strategy (large land), consolidation (medium land), and survival (small land). All These strategies (in normal and in crisis situation) showed that peasant of this area very flexible mechanism to survive