Dear. Chairman of P2M Dana Kemdikbudristek (Appendix 1) Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Following up the letter from Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Kemdikbudristek number: 0927/E5.4 / AL.04/2022 dated September 13, 2022 regarding the extension of the deadline for uploading progress reports and SPTB in 2022 at BIMA, we convey that :
- The deadline for the obligation to upload a Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Belanja (SPTB) and progress reports on the BIMA page which was previously dated August 16, 2022 was extended until September 23, 2022;
- Filling of progress reports and SPTB can be implemented after the researcher uploads the revised proposal;
- We will inform you later on the extension of the deadline for uploading the progress report of community service.
Thus we can say, thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Head of LPPM UNS,
Prof. Dr. Okid Parama Astirin, MS.
NIP. 19630327198601002
Copy :
- Rector ( as a report)
- Vice rector of Research and Innovation (as a report)
Attachment :