Dear. Teacher
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Following up on the letter from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture number: 1024/E5.5/AL.04/2022 dated October 7, 2022 regarding the Selection of New Candidates for Reviewers/Re-Register of Research and Community Service Reviewers, we hereby convey that The Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Service (DRTPM) of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology and the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education (APTV) of the Directorate General of Vocational Education open opportunities for you to become a reviewer within the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this regard, the requirements as a reviewer include:
- The requirements for reviewer registration are determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Appendix 1);
- Registration of new prospective reviewers is carried out no later than October 15, 2022 at 23.59 WIB ;
- The mechanism for selecting new reviewers for research and community service is as follows:
a. Prospective reviewers register through the BIMA page
b. Selection of prospective reviewers is based on reviewer requirements (Appendix 1) in accordance with the field required expertise;
c. Follow and pass technical guidance held by DRTPM and APTV Directorate;
d. DRTPM and APTV Directorate announced the appointment of research and service reviewers to the community; - For reviewers who have been registered with the DRTPM reviewer database and the APTV Directorate, they can re-register as research and community service reviewers via the link: no later than 15 October 2022 at 23.59 WIB.
Thus we convey, thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Prof. Dr. Okid Parama Astirin, MS
NIP 196303271986012002
- Chancellor (as report)
- Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (as a report)
Surat Seleksi Calon Reviewer Baru/Daftar Ulang Reviewer P2M Kemdikbudristek