Utilization of fabric dry waste of kauman batik to interior textile

Kata kunci : Batik Kauman, Inovation, Design

Lu’lu’ Purwaningrum
LPPM UNS, Pengabdian, DP2M, Vucer, 2009

“Kampung Batik Kauman” has been declared as one of the Indonesian destination tour with batik tour. Many residents are involved in the world of batik, be it traders, producers and tailor. However just few of the residents felt the economic impact of batik production. The dry waste of Kauman Batik home industri is large quantities of patchwork which do not have high economic value. Product design of Kauman batik also requires innovation both in terms of usability and aesthetic, which is mostly used for clothing. Quilt can be abundant raw materials in design innovation, especially as textile interior. Patchwork processed and quilting methods (incorporation and sew patchwork suppressed) to problem solving of dry waste problem . Product innovation became diversivication Kauman, so it will increase income for producers, local residents are part of a freelance tailor, or other Kauman residents who have not touched at all by Kauman batik industry but have the desire to take it.
The problem-solving methods of dry waste of Kauman Batik is offered as follows: First provide design training to the employee tekstile companies and freelance tailor around Kauman with a good aesthetic considerations in unification-patchwork with quilting techniques are applied to the interior textile. Second Make a craftsmen of patchwork quilting associations for Kauman batik from all training participants. Third provides production assistance, evaluate and revise the results of work not meet quality standards. Fourth, images provide marketing assistance and target consumers continue to monitor the market test of the product from the showroom of the members. Fifth products include interior craftsmen at the exhibition on interior design majors UNS.
Base on this Vucer Program can be formulated several suggestions, among others: First Kauman batik textile product need design innovations, from practitioners and community of academic design .Secondly, development program of dry waste of Kauman Batik production like this vucer program need better planning and systematic program , so dry waste became a high selling value. Third, Kauman community involvement in the program “Kampung Batik Kauman”. So that they feel the economic impact with the declaration of it. Fourth, It is necesrary follow-up program of these activities with long-term targets, so the results will be better.