Inproving Product Ofqualityof Traditional Ikat Weavingby Using Design Development In Tawangsari, Sukoharjo. (In The Development Creative of Industry at The Global Era)

Key Word: proces, material, function, aestetic

Sarwono; Sanusi, Ahmad
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M, Hibah Kompetitif Penelitian Strategis Nasional, 2009

Based on the background of weaving (industry) of development, textile product of ikat weaving in Tawangsari is to fill till full of economics of wel fare of necessaty is like to get supplement earning in necessaty life where as the major of liveli hood resourcesin the local society are farmers visual element is which to cover in line, surface and colour on the traditional ikat weaving in Tawangsari. It is influenced by techninique product. Is the warp ikat technique, so shapes of motif hawe a deformatif characters to do something repeately become tradition. The motif is used on the tradition ot ikat weaving motif in Tawangsari, it is as decoration in the purpose to add the beautiful value on the ikat weaving it hopeed attract attention for buyers so the handiworkers preserve to show as aestetic of the tradision of their product as the result from generation to generation to be reacherer to spread of domestic market in this except some handiworkers produce based on order with appearance in product is sold to foreign countries skill tradition of art of ikat weaving has been having to be development, and so to be beneficial affort in society community to spread in Tawangsari included Sukoharjo Regency. Art of ikat weaving is as knowlegde of the design traditional is developed through research is as effort to incressing of the quality of product to realize is not only in the form at Sarong, but also developed to make multi function product of industry. Ikat weaving in Tawangsari has cooperated with hooked agency in Sukoharjo regency, and so Sebelas Maret University of Surakarta, it has developed on various industry product at the present in the development of product creative industry in global era, so the ikat weaving product at Tawangsari can compete in global market.