Key word: Crude chlorophyll, Gas CO, H2S
By: Prabang Setyono, Bregas Siswahyono, Makhabah Jamilatun, Susilo Adi Wibowo
Mitigation of Poisonous gas in the form of CO and H2S odor source is industrial output needs to be done because as air pollutants that are very common. This research aims to determine the absorption ability of a solution of chlorophyll acetone extract papaya leaf (Carica papaya L.) for carbon monoxide (CO) and H2S as well as physical changes that occur. Knowing the proportion of time optimal absorption solution of chlorophyll acetone extracts papaya leaf is exposed to sunlight and not exposed. Knowing the mechanism of CO and H2S gas absorption by a solution of its. Research methods include modification of a series of input, process and output of gas absorption of H2S and CO, the measurement of total chlorophyll content in crude chlorophyll and measurement of H2S and CO gas levels done in 2 stages: before treatment and after treatment. Measurements before treatment was done as much as 1 time before it was treated extract chlorophyll. While after treatment was done 3 times, chlorophyll extracts after treatment during the first minute and so on until there is saturation. Absorbance measurement of H2S gas by using gas chromatography with helium as the mobile phase while the absorption of CO in a stoichiometric gas. The solution of chlorophyll acetone extract papaya leaf showed the absorption ability of carbon monoxide (CO) and H2S marked physical changes / color that occurs in the extract solution. Sunlight energy to optimize the solution of crude chlorophyll role in absorbing CO and H2S gas. The proportion of time optimal absorption solution of solution of chlorophyll acetone extract papaya leaf for CO gas pollutants with sunlight exposure of 20 menit/1400 ppm / Liter and non-exposed at 10 menit/1000 ppm / Liter. In H2S with exposure to sunlight by 5 menit/120 ppm / Liter and non exposed at 2,5 menit/120 ppm/Liter. The mechanism of absorption of CO and H2S gas by solution of chlorophyll acetone extract papaya leaf is a permanent absorption