Revitalization of Traditional Market-Based Community Empowerment, an Alternative Poverty Reduction

(Study of Traders Empowerment Klithikan Market of Notoharjo Surakarta)

By Trisni Utami

Public sphare is a place where one or more parties communicate and interact with a particular interest or just say hello to each other and share experiences. Can tangible physical (public space) as well as in non-physical such as space in the sense of virtual (internet). Communication needs to be built in order to share the interest in achieving the desired objectives better. Public Sphare can be used as containers in the distribution of the aspirations of all parties, mutual discussion and sharing mutual knowledge, mutual learning process and take the positive benefits from these interactions.

In this research, which is used as open space is virtual world (internet) by visiting the site: The Web has 3 functions:

  1. Site to meet the researchers to build communication between researchers interested in the Development of Traditional Markets and sidewalk vendors (PKL).
  2. Site meeting of the community with other stakeholders who have similar interests in the development of traditional markets, street vendors and Local Economic Development.
  3. Sites that help Notoharjo Market Community to Klithikan Market of Notoharjo promotion for not only known in Surakarta and surrounding areas, but also known in various other cities and even well known global level or in another country.

This site will take advantage of all parties to be able to utilize other than as a space to communicate, exchange ideas, sharing of ideas, even to the solution to handling an issue that could involve stake holders share related to the Development of Traditional Markets and Structuring street vendors.

Revitalization of traditional markets is one of the priority measures in order to develop the competitiveness of the market, so the market has strength in the economic development of the people. This is an alternative to develop local economic forces that impact on poverty reduction.
Revitalization is not only signified a change in the sense of physical facilities, but also about strengthening human resources and development of public space in the development of traditional markets.