By: Winny Astuti and Ana Hardiana
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) for Indonesia has the first target for alleviating hunger and poverty whicch in the year of 2003 the level was reached 17.4%. This will be targetted to dec reased by 7.5% in 2015. In fact, most of urban poor people lives in slums area, which in 2009 has reached the area of 57.800 ha in 10.000 locations in Indonesia.
Inability for community in escaping from the porverty line, is partly due to limited access of community organization for social inclusion; empowerment and security. Housing Policy approaches should be seen as a part of ”poverty alleviation strategy”and the community should not be seen as a recipient of aids, but as stakeholder, which have access for decision making process
The purposes of the research are, firstly, to implement Concept Model of Empowerment of Slums Community as an Effort for Sustainable Urban Poverty Alleviation. Secondly, to inquire Typology of Empowerment Model for Slums Community as an Effort for Sustainable Urban Poverty Alleviation in terms of Settlements Character. Research Methodology used was Participatory Action Research, by Surakarta City as a location of the research and select kelurahan Sudiroprajan ; Kelurahan Tipes dan Kelurahan Jebres as area study based on the typology character of settlements of Ring 1,2,3, which are slums settlements in the Center of City ( CBD); inner city and pheryphery area.
The research indicates that level of community empowerment is affected by level of community capacity. The research found that slums settlements located close to the center of the city with the special historical character (kel sudiroprajan) has tendency for social segregation; low level of participation but high financial contribution, more difficult to manage because there is no strick values and norms. However the community understand their settlements history. The community of slums/ informal settlements in the suburban area/ pheryphery tend to be more cooperative, high partisipatif in planning, implementation and monitoring; high consensus building and trust.
Development model of PMPKB in terms of settlements character is a strategy fo sustainable urban poverty alleviation. By conducting this model, the slums community is not only understand how to identify potency and problems, but also understand how to get opportunity and understand their own willingness and mission. Results of implementation of the model will be used for instrument for planning integration and synergy with rolling plan in the level of kelurahan (Musrenbangkel), kecamatan (District) , city level, as well as province level and national level for finding the way for problem solution.
Understanding about the character of community capacity is very important in any efforts of community empowerment as an effort for poverty alleviation, especially in the informal settlements