Dear. Chief Executive
Community Service Program funds Kemdikbudristek TA. 2022
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Following up the letter from Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Kemdikbudristek number: 1058/E5.5/AL.04/2022 on October 3, 2022 regarding the notification of the monitoring and Evaluation participants of the Mono and Multi-Year Community Service Program FY 2022, together with this we convey the following :
- Participants and external Monev schedule determined by DRTPM;
- The implementation of onev will be divided into several groups as in Appendix 1. Community service lecturers are required to follow the monev in accordance with the date and group determined by DRTPM and not allowed to change Group / room;
- Monev participants mandatory contacting the Person in Charge (PIC) to get link zoom according to each group.
- Monev participants are required to have uploaded progress report documents, Daily Notes, 70% budget usage reports, output results in the form of articles, mass media publications, videos, and power point presentation materials on the BIMA page, as well as fill in other data through the page ;
- Activity implementation partners must be presented and willing to be confirmed for the implementation of community service programs;
- All teams (chairmen and members) must be present at the Monev implementation of community service for fiscal year 2022. If the team leader is unable to attend for reasons (severe illness, childbirth, nuclear family died, disaster/accident), they should submit a letter of absence and assignment to member representatives to the head of LPPM UNS which will be submitted to DRTPM;
- If the chairman and members are absent for no apparent reason, it is considered not to follow the Monev and required to return funds 30% from the received grant funds;
- If the lecturer who implements the program is known to make deviations or not in accordance with the promised output, then for the lecturer is obliged to return the community service funds that have been received to the state treasury in the amount of recommendations reviewer;
- The Monev implementation guide Appendix 2.
Thus we say, for your attention and cooperation we thank you.
Head of LPPM UNS,
Prof. Dr. Okid Parama Astirin, M.S
NIP. 196303271986012002
Copy :
Rector (as a report)
Vice rector for research and innovation (as a report)
Attachment :
1. Monev Eksternal Program Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Dana Kemdikbudristek TA. 2022