Rancang Bangun Elemen Aksesibilitas Ramp pada Fasilitas Umum Bagi Penyandang Cacat dan Lansia dalam Mewujudkan Lingkungan Bebas Rintangan

Key word: accessible ramp, ergonomic concept, anthropometry
Cahyono Untung Joko, Setyaningsih Wiwik, Diharjo Kuncoro, Hermono SB
LPPM UNS, DP2M, Penelitian, Hibah Bersaing, 2009

Accessibilities are global issue which has become attention of PBB international. Disabled people and old people not yet got attention of accessible facilities. This research aim to design accessible ramp as a universal design of public facility to safety, comfort and independence to all people as especially for disabled people and old people. The design accessible ramp has holistic method between study of laboratory for the form of angle and inclination of ramp, behavioral setting, ergonomic concept and anthropometry, and also use of local materials of environmental friendliness. Design accessible ramp to cover for the out door and indoor. The Research location in Surakarta as center rehabilitates disabled people in Indonesia, namely Center to Rehabilitate Centrum RS Prof. Dr. Soeharso.The result of research become base in precise adjustment of technology utilize, specially related to ramp design at public facilities for all people as a universal design. The finally to get confession right as appreciate to result of masterpiece.