Sound Absorber Energy Harvesting Element as a Solution for Noise and Energy Problem in Transportation and Smart Houses

Key words: Sound absorber, energy harvesting, ASTME-1050-98

Yahya, Iwan; Variani, Viska Inda; Legowo, Budi
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M, Hibah Kompetitif Penelitian Strategis Nasional, 2009

A research scheme for development of new sound absorber energy harvesting system has been done and resulting two major inventions. The first one is Helmholtz resonator consisting a horn shaped extended neck inside its cavity. This innovation has a significant role for increasing the sound field inside resonator cavity for energy harvesting purpose. This invention also solve the limitation of similar purposes Helmholtz resonator after Horowitz. The second invention is related to design of piezoelectric bimorph occupied with a specific fin design for capturing noise energy. Draft for patent application purposes for both inventions is being prepared. ASTM E-1050-98 standard test procedure has been done for analyzing of absorber performance. The results show that the sound absorber has a full spectrum performance feature with sound absorption coefficient α > 0.75 for almost all of frequency range.