Kekuasaan Blater di Madura (Studi Reproduksi Kekuasaan Blater di Madura Timur)

Subagyo, Slamet; Liestyasari, Sianny Indria; Budiati, Atik Catur*)
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M, Fundamental, 2009

Power is arena game which is always reproduced by side in concerned in it, including blater power in Madura. This research aim to comprehend the history of genesis blater, describe of identity of blater and describe of identity blater.
This research use the type geneologi represent the method liquefy the traditional history which have of like ices mount. Its meaning, history which is written down by all antropolog have to reinpresented again and hook, correlate with the power (power relation). Focus this research lay in by perception to knowledge, reproduce the power which normalization diskursus in social room. Primary data obtained from all especial or basic informan that is blater in Pamekasan, good of them which still eksis and or the former blater; member of family blater knowing its process “keblateran” family; including also local elite figure is which still corelated and which have cooperated by blater. While data sekunder obtained from document, good in the form of folklore, chronicle the Madura, parsemonan people, police report, or from relevant institution. Analyse the data use the analysis domain and analysis taksonomik.
Identity Blater from social resistensi, legitimasi and status change. Social resistensi relate to the process reproduce the past which have been done Ke’lesap (social strategy resistensi, economics and cultural). Its form even also differ from old world. While effort get the social legitimate, clan blater do two character of is way of the solving of problem. Namely, hegemonic and dominatif.
Hegemonic more emphasizing at moral consensu, idea and action elegan. For which dominatif more relate at radical hardness practice and do not humanist. Way of hegemonic will get the presticious and permanent legitimate in its people. But, way of dominatif to get legitimate which can not go along way the periodic because people under pressure and perforced to give the legitimate to them do not voluntary.