Isolation and characterization of an APETALA1 from cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)

Keywords: Flower, cocoa, specific primer, RT-PCR, RNA, full-length AP1

Samanhudi, Roedhy Poerwanto, Sobir, Agus Purwito, Djoko Santoso *)
LPPM UNS, Penelitian, DP2M, Publikasi Internasional, 2009

We report the isolation and characterization of a full-length cDNA of APETALA1 (AP1) from cocoa. Existences of AP1 on cocoa flower have been detected by PCR using the specific primer. Result of the research indicates that the full-length cDNA of AP1 with the size 824 bp have been isolated from tissue of cocoa flower bud. Based on homology analysis, this sequence have closely related with AP1-like protein of Vitis vinifera, MADS3 protein of Betula pendula, AP1-like MADS-box Populus balsamifera, PTM2 Populus tremuloides, AP1 MADS-box protein of Lotus corniculatus, AP1 protein of Sinapsis alba and AP1 Citrus sinensis.