Development of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in The Elementary Schools For The Cultivation of Moral Values In a Nation’s Character Building

Keywords : Development of Learning Model Based Character, Verbal Tradition,

By: Triana Rejekiningsih, dkk.

To the effect this research (1) describe needs analysis of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in The Elementary Schools; (2 ) formulate design of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in The Elementary Schools For The Cultivation of Moral Values In a Nation’s Character Building; (3) find of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in The Elementary Schools For The Cultivation of Moral Values In a Nation’s Character Building; (4 ) Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition Products in The Elementary Schools For The Cultivation of Moral Values In a Nation’s Character Building.
This observational method is Research and Development one that represent intensive research that get development character. This research took path between the preliminary studies and filed studies, design development model through limited test, and then validate model in a wider area. This research will step by step perform in the period of 2 years. First phase to be done analisis focus about problem one is assessed and model design planning utilize kualitatif approaching; meanwhile on second phase model and validates model to utilize quantitative approaching. This test observational location lay on elementary school at City Surakarta on braze low which is SDN Mojo 2, SDN Purwoprajan 1, SDN Banyuagung 3, SDN Lojiwetan ang SDN Wiropaten 3. Observational finding on observational this (1) learning problems in elementary school in terms of teacher: (a) the ability of teachers in planning learning activities is relatively low, so that not all teacher prepare lesson plans before making learning; (c) tended only kognitive aspects are formed less to establish affective and psikomotor aspects of student; of the student: (a) student are less interested in teaching and learning activities because often only write and read, (b ) there are some students who do not behave according to moral values..
Findings (2) Design model of moral learning in elementary schools based on verbal tradition for cultivation of moral values in a nation’s character development emphasis on the needs of students with the stages of moral development to the character that is (a) moral conditioning in school (b ) moral understanding (c) moral feelings (d) moral action. Finding (3 ) Learning model developed in the learning based character of verbal tradition through the method of storytelling, role playing and puppet Suket implemented by way of designing a model that has been formulated by the researchers adjusted for Competency Standards and Basic Competency Education subject of citizenship, The Indonesian language and culture art create scripts for application of learning methods fairy tales, role playing and puppet Suket that are customized to the age of students, easily understood language students, students cognitive level of understanding, in it contains moral values that will be internalized to the students through the stages toward the formation of moral character. Furthermore, students are invited to reflect on the values instilled, instilling a sense of empaty and act in an internalized values. Finding (4) Items produced a learning model that documented in the form of VCDs fairytale method, role playing and puppet suket.
Suggestions in this research include : (1) perform conditioning at school over the moral values that will be invested his hopes will become a habit for
students, (2) refresing the teachers to imptove their competence in teaching to the preparation of lesson plans, learning materials, model, media and evaluation of student learning outcomes, (3) principal controls related to teaching and learning activities of teachers and students in the form of preparing model, (4) preparation of guidelines for teachers in teachinhg and learning of character for the cultivation of moral values form the nation’s character