Key words: Nitrification; Hedgerows;Legume Cover Crops; Mineralization of organic matter; oil Palm, Savety net nutrient filter; biologically nitrification inhibitor;litter quality By: Purwanto, Rob.Sudaryanto, Kusnu Martoyo Semi-controlled field experiments conducted at PT Gunatara Sawit Persada Oil palm plantations in the Muaraputih village, Natar district, South Lampung Regency is part of aRead More →

Keywords: Sweet sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, bio-ethanol, energy independent village By: Samanhudi and Ahmad Yunus This study aims to assess the response of sweet sorghum to several environmental stresses such as high temperature, drought, salinity, and alumunium, so that got the sweet sorghum varieties suitable to be cultivated in dry landRead More →

Key word : Hedgerows conservations technology, land degradation, surface runoff coefisien, Solo Hulu Sub-Watershed By: Jaka Suyana and Endang Setia Muliawati Land degradation and flood hazard increases during rainy season, and drought in dry season are the problems that will challenge Indonesian people in the future but already have beenRead More →

Keywords : Development of Learning Model Based Character, Verbal Tradition, Elementary By: Triana Rejekiningsih, dkk. To the effect this research (1) describe needs analysis of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in The Elementary Schools; (2 ) formulate design of Learning Model Based Character of Verbal Tradition in TheRead More →

Keywords : mitigation ; GHG ; land productivity ; organic paddy By: Jauhari Syamsiyah,  Bambang Hendro Wetland, especially organic rice paddy fields, have been assessed to increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute enormously to global warming. Therefore, we need a deep study on GHG emissions from rice paddy fieldsRead More →

By: Rutiana D. Wahyuningsih and Rima Vien Permata The Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (the National Medum Term Development Plan) requires a sinergy between development policies from the central government, local goverments, and inter-local governments. The purposes of the requirement are to ensure the link and consistency between planning, budgeting,Read More →

Key words: learning models, the value of tolerance, tepa sarira By: Tri Rejeki Andayani, Munawir Yusuf, and Tuti Hardjajani Living Values Education (LVE) became one of the strategies to face pluralism, liberalism and secularism. This study aims to develop learning model of tolerance based on “tepa sarira”, as one ofRead More →

Keywords: harmonization of policy, poverty alleviation, Millennium Development Goals By: Emmy Latifah The purpose of this research is to understand the level of harmonization of poverty alleviation policies in Indonesia within the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially Target 1. From this research, it can be created a model policy harmonizationRead More →

Keywords: solar oil heater, distillation process, active closed-loop By: Eko Prasetya Budiana The purpose of this research is to create model and prototype of energy-saving technologies in ethanol distillation process by using solar thermal energy. In this study the solar collector using solar oil heater technology that works based onRead More →