Final Output Billing P2M Non APBN UNS 2020

Subject : Final Output Billing P2M Non APBN UNS 2020

Dear Honorable, Recipients of P2M implementation assignment Non APBN UNS 2020 (attached)

Universitas Sebelas Maret


Respectfully informed, based on the results of the verification of research and community service (P2M) Non-state budget funds for the 2020 fiscal year by the TIM VERIFIKATOR SUBSTANSIF LUARAN P2M LPPM UNS with the results of unverified final research output data of 418 titles and unverified final service output Data of 159 titles (list attached).

In this regard, we would like to inform you of the following :

  1. The status of P2M output of UNS 2020 Non-APBN funds can be seen in the iris account of each Chief Researcher and Servant Chairperson. Unverified Status is based on the outcomes that must be met by researchers and service providers. 
  2. LPPM UNS provides an opportunity to improve the final output of P2M Non APBN UNS 2020 which is still in unverified status until Thursday, September 30, 2022. The procedures for uploading the improvements is attached.
  3. The results of the verification will be used as the evaluation material in the submission of P2M proposals for non-state budget funds TA. 2023.

Thus we convey, thank you for your attention and cooperation.


Head of LPPM UNS,

Prof. Dr. Okid Parama Astirin, MS. 

NIP. 196303271986012002


1. Vice Rector for Research and Inovation 

2. Deans of The Faculties