Model for Strengthening the Role of Traditional Market to Perform Community Empowerment in Surakarta

Keywords: traditional market, community empowerment.

Aliyah Istijabatul, Suroto Widi, Mulyanto
LPPM UNS, DP2M, Penelitian, Hibah Bersaing, 2009

The research was aimed at: 1) creating a model for strengthening the role of traditional market to perform community empowerment in Surakarta, 2) formulating strategies to implement a model to strengthen the role of traditional market to empower small businessmen in Surakarta. This research was conducted in Surakarta based on the reasons that there are still many traditional markets which exist despite the fact that many modern markets including mall, supermarket, plaza, mini market, hyper mart are developing very fast. The population consisted of all stakeholders related with the strengthening the traditional market and empowering small traders. Sampling techniques were based on purposive sampling and snowball. Data were collected using in-depth interview and document study (content analysis). Data were analyzed using interactive model of analysis and SWOT analysis. Results indicate that in formulating Service Quality Improvement Model (SQIM) there were several issues which should be taken into consideration, particularly related to service quality provided by small traders in traditional market. The quality of service includes hospitality, patience, honesty and to perform the best service. The strategies to implement the model was formulized based on the components of model, including the role of stakeholders, service quality, and the empowerment of small traders.