Kata kunci: model pembelajaran, seni rupa, lateral thinking Oleh : Tjahjo Prabowo, Adam Wahida, Nanang Yulianto Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Surakarta, 2) menyusun model pembelajaran Seni Budaya/Seni Rupa yang inovatif dengan menerapkan pembelajaran Seni Budaya berbasis LateralRead More →

Key words: regenerastion, batik crafts, revitalization, cultural tourism Rara Sugiarti, Margana, Sariyatun This research was generally aimed at formulating strategies to regenerate batik artists to support the revitalization of traditional crafts towards developing creative industry and to promote cultural tourism in Surakarta. Data consisted of primary and secondary data andRead More →

Key word: Crude chlorophyll, Gas CO, H2S By: Prabang Setyono, Bregas Siswahyono, Makhabah Jamilatun, Susilo Adi Wibowo Mitigation of Poisonous gas in the form of CO and H2S odor source is industrial output needs to be done because as air pollutants that are very common. This research aims to determineRead More →

By: Muzayyinah & Suratman The aims of the reserach were to know (1) genetic resources map of identified Indigofera species in Java, (2) habitat characteristics of identified Indigofera species in Java, (3) phenotipe characteristics of identified Indigofera species in Java, (4) phenology characteristics of identified Indigofera species in Java, (4)Read More →

Key words : Chitosan, Deacetylation, Swelling, Crosslingking By: Budi Hastuti and Abu Masykur The isolation and modification of chitosan from Ballemnya javanica shells and its application as a selective adsorbent selective for heavy metal Cr (VI) in batik industrial waste were conducted. Initially, Ballemnya javanica shells powder was deproteinated usingRead More →

Key word: Meet sheep, cholesterol, linolenoic, linoleoic fatty acids, L-carnitine and Protection Tuna or lemuru fish oils By: Pujo Martatmo, Sudibya and Darsono The objective of this study was to reduce cholesterol and increase omega-3 , omega-6 fatty acid of sheeps through the suplementation L-carnitine and tuna fish oil orRead More →

Keyword: extraction, carrageenan, gel strength, sulfate, Eucheuma cottonii By: Sperisa Distantina*, Fadilah, Rochmadi, Moh. Fahrurrozi, Wiratni Carrageenan, as biopolymer, has excellent physical properties to form gel thermo-reversible, therefore the carrageenans are widely utilized, such as thickening, gelling, and stabilities ability. The formation of 3,6-anhydro-α-D-galactose (DA) units from α-D-galactose-6-sulfate residue byRead More →

Keywords: Chitosan, Superabsorben, Enzimatic Hydrolysis, Copolymerization, Antibacterial, Antifungal Endang Susilowati, Maryani, M. Masykuri This study developed a synthesis of Ch-g-PAA and Ch-g-PMA Antibacterial and Antifungal Superabsorben Materials based on Chitosan from shrimp waste by enzymatic hydrolysis and copolymerization method. Synthesis is done through the stages of deacetylation of chitin fromRead More →