Keyword: fuzzy, logic, control, combustion, engine, Otto, ignition, spark, detonation,vibration pattern By: Augustinus Sujono, R. Lullus Lambang G. Hidajat The problem of detonation (knocking) in the internal combuction engines, especially in the Otto (petrol) engine, that makes some damages, low fuel economy and erformance. ntil now, the detonation problem hasRead More →

Oleh: Eko Surojo, Heru Sukanto, Teguh Triyono Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan logam semisolid berstruktur nondendritik (globular) dengan metoda rheocasting. Logam semisolid berstruktur nondendritik nantinya digunakan untuk bahan baku proses semisolid forming. Hal ini terkait dengan tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini yakni memanfaatkan proses semisolid forming untuk pembuatan komponen otomotif yangRead More →

By: S A Kristiawan, ST, MSc (Eng), PhD., Ir. Sunarmasto, MT Struktur beton bertulang sering mengalami kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh berbagai macam faktor seperti bencana gempa, beban yang berlebihan serta faktor lingkungan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya korosi pada tulangan. Jenis kerusakan yang nampak dapat berupa retak, pengelupasan selimut beton bahkan sampaiRead More →

By: Sholihin As’ad, Purnawan Gunawan The flexible duct is a flexible structure of building utility component for electricity andtelephone cable network. This component is series of straight form duct module and junctionwith a flexible connector system. Duct alignment, both vertical and horizontal, is able to beadjust to limited space followingRead More →

Keywords: sugar palm fiber, albizzia sawdust, sandwich composite, mechanical properties By: Budi Legowo, Kuncoro Diharjo, Jamasri This study aims to investigate the optimum design of sandwich composite reinforced sugar palm fiber (SPF) with albizzia sawdust (AS) core and investigate effect of thermal cyclic and dynamic flexural loading on mechanical properties.Read More →

Keywords: creative economy, family-based entrepreneurship, poor women Ismi Dwi Astuti & Sri Marwanti This research underlines several issues concerning the empowerment of poor women through family-based entrepreneurship towards creative economy. The research was intended to explore the potentials, constraints, opportunities and policies dealing with the empowerment of poor women, andRead More →

Keyword : preparation, characterization, Mg/Al HTlc, brine water, raw material, pharmacy By: Eddy Heraldy and Yuli Puspito Rini The synthesis of Mg/Al hydrotalcite-like (HTlc) using brine water from desalination waste for raw material pharmacy industries has been performed. Sample preparation of Mg/Al HTlc are using artificial brine water and brineRead More →

Key words : Rural environment lay-out, environmentally friendly, Mount Lawu. By: Galing Yudana, Bambang Pujiasmanto, Widharyatmo The objectives of this multi-year research were: 1) to identify land use in Ngargoyoso Karanganyar; 2) to explore the behavior pattern of the society in managing the environment; 3) to identify the society’s perceptionsRead More →

Key words: model roof and openings, flats, comfort, health, productivity, the concept of Ecological architecture By: Sri Yuliani, ST., M.App.Sc., Kahar Sunoko, ST., MT., and Ir. Soedwiwahjono, MT The development of residential demand is increasing with the rapid rate of population growth. Flat built vertically from various considerations felt quiteRead More →