Key Words: Phytse, Feed Additive, Enzyme Extraction, Digestible Nutrient, Carrier, Freezer Dryer By: Adi Magna Patriadi Nuhriawangsa, Sajidan , Zaenal Bachruddin and Ali Wibowo The result was used to producted mash phytase from recombinat bacteria BL21 (DE3) EAS1-AMP and its applied to mixed corn soybean diet for broiler chickens. CrudeRead More →

Key word: Pongamia pinnata, moleculer identification, ISSR By: Ahmad Yunus, Samanhudi, Amalia T. Sakya, Muji Rahayu Exploration of biofuel sources from plant need developed for supply of alternative energy. Information of genetic diversity in Pongamia pinnata is necessary to support breeding programs and efforts conservation. Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR)Read More →

Key words: economic crisis, sende land, landowner, respons and strategy By: Tiwuk Kusuma Hastuti and Retno Kusumawiranti The economic crisis has encouraged the emerging of various forms of community’s response. The responses and the adaptation strategies of the rural community differ from one region to another region. This has toRead More →

Key Words: Translation Quality Assessment, Accuracy, Accepatability, Readability By: Mangatur Nababan et al The present study is intended to develop a model for Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) based on the prototipe designed in the previous research. The study aims to examine the strenghts and weaknesses of the prototipe, to reviseRead More →

Keywords: Air conditioning, solar concentrator, thermosyphon, stirling, inverter, electric energy storage. By: Wibawa Endra Juwana, Heru Sukanto, Thoharudin The onjective of this research is to build air conditioning machine with cheap operasional cost. The step was taken by developing electric generation driven by solar power using Stirling-thermosyphon motor system whichRead More →

Keyword: Foot prosthetic below knee, ankle joint multi axis, static equilibrium model By: Retno Wulan Damayanti & Lobes Herdiman Accident of roadway occupy the occurence number amputation, the number noted from occurence amputation in Indonesia with biggest contributor equal to 35% and occurence of natural disaster equal to 15%. ImpactRead More →